Who are Morri and Dr Bot?

Sarah Morrison
April 18, 2023

Morrisec is a recently established company that was born out of the vision of my husband David and myself. Like many people with dreams, visions and aspirations, Morrisec did not happen overnight. We first thought of opening our own company a few years back, but for one reason or another, the timing never seemed right. But we continued to plan and scheme. That is why, last year when watching Andor, we both declared that Morrisec should have robots. Yes, we had already worked out the company name 😉

Inspired by B2EMO (Bee), the little red droid owned by the Andor family, we wanted our own droid to help people in their cybersecurity journey. His name would be Morri.

Unfortunately, we are still years away from having a real working, talking Morri, but with a little help from a talented artist from Brazil, Jhonatan S. Silva, we were able to bring our vision to life through his incredible drawings. But something was missing…

Each heroic protagonist needs a villain, so we came up with Morri’s nemesis, the not-so-evil Dr Bot (we believe Morri and Dr Bot are really secret besties!)

So, we asked Jhonatan to come up with a selection of good robots and evil robots for us to choose from, and we chose our two.

It’s pretty obvious Morri was from the good robots, just look at him!

However, Morri and Dr Bot are more than just drawings, they are symbolic of what Morrisec stands for, always supporting our clients in that constant battle against threat actors. David and I envision that when someone sees Morri or Dr Bot, they would automatically think of the Morrisec brand and all the security tips and hints that go with that brand. Morri is a reminder to ensure you have strong passwords and MFA switched on, that your asset register is up to date and that you have a robust information security risk management procedure for your suppliers. Dr Bot is a reminder that the bad guy is always out there, and what can happen when you don’t listen to Morri. Also just like robots that never sleep, Morrisec is here 24/7/365 to help if you do have cybersecurity concerns.

This probably sounds like the ramblings of a mad woman (she laughs uncontrollably out loud), so if I have not convinced you of the importance and symbolic nature of Morri and Dr Bot, they are also part of our security awareness training solution. Yes, Morri and Dr Bot make appearances in all our training sessions, to help guide you in your cybersecurity journey and give you those important lessons, key takeaways, or golden nuggets of information, if it pleases you, to ensure that your people and your organisation remain diligent against cyber-attacks.

morri the robot wearing lab coat and holding manual with morrisec logo, pointing to white board at evil dr bot teaching security awareness as part of cybersecurity consulting services

We will continue to dream that one day we can create a droid Morri and Dr Bot, but for now, we will have to make do with plush Morri and Dr Bots (coming soon) and maybe a life-size Lego construction or perhaps the more realistic, cardboard cut-out of Morri and Dr Bot in the reception of our first office (fingers crossed also coming soon). However, if you know any mad scientists or perhaps the more common robotics engineer who wants a pet project, be sure to send them our way 😉

Sarah Morrison

Sarah Morrison

Sarah is the Co-CEO of Morrisec. With over 20 years in cybersecurity and a PhD in Russian information operations, Sarah has a deep understanding of threat actors and their tactics and motivations, making her highly equipped to assist organisations in their defence against them.