Penetration Testing Services

Our penetration testing services go beyond identifying technical vulnerabilities; they integrate with all areas of our business, ensuring a holistic approach to security. By combining our expertise in governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), development, and technical consulting, we provide unparalleled insights and solutions that address root causes and enhance overall security posture.

Transformative Security: Assess, Remediate, and Evolve

A superhero on a hill signifying comprehensive penetration tests

Comprehensive Assessments

Our integrated approach ensures that penetration testing covers both technical vulnerabilities and overarching business risks, providing a thorough assessment of your security posture.

penetration testing showing bricks being added to a wall symbolising tailored remediation

Tailored Remediation

By engaging with our clients to understand their unique business context, we deliver actionable insights and recommendations that are specifically tailored to your needs, ensuring effective and relevant remediation.

A chart and graph showing penetration testing showing consistent improvement

Consistent Improvement

Addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities leads to long-term improvements in your security posture, reducing the recurrence of issues in future assessments and enhancing overall resilience.

Why Traditional Penetration Testing Falls Short

Penetration testing is a critical component of any cybersecurity strategy, helping organisations identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by threat actors. However, many traditional penetration testing services fail to deliver the full value that businesses need to truly enhance their security posture. These conventional approaches often focus narrowly on technical vulnerabilities without considering the broader business context, leading to a range of persistent issues for clients.

Clients frequently encounter frustration with standard penetration testing services because they do not address the root causes of vulnerabilities, resulting in recurring issues that undermine long-term security. Additionally, the lack of integration and communication between penetration testers and other key teams within the organisation performing the testing can lead to misaligned recommendations and ineffective remediation strategies. Without a holistic approach, the full potential of penetration testing is not realised, leaving businesses exposed to ongoing risks and inefficiencies. This includes:


Limited Value: Most penetration tests only focus on identifying and fixing individual vulnerabilities within the scope of the test. While this can address immediate issues, it often fails to provide a broader perspective on systemic problems. The value of these tests is limited because they don’t address the underlying issues that could prevent future vulnerabilities.


Recurrence of Vulnerabilities: Without addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities, clients often see the same issues reappear in subsequent tests. This cycle of recurring vulnerabilities is not only frustrating but also indicates a deeper problem within the organisation’s security practices. Traditional penetration tests rarely delve into these root causes, leaving clients with unresolved issues.


Inaccurate Risk Ratings: Penetration tests that lack business context can lead to risk ratings that do not accurately reflect the true impact on the client’s operations. This misalignment means that the test results may not prioritise the most critical vulnerabilities, leading to potential gaps in security and ineffective allocation of resources for remediation.


Lack of Integration and Communication: In most cybersecurity organisations, penetration testers work in silos, separate from other critical teams such as GRC, engineering, developers, and technical consulting. This lack of integration can result in reports that do not fully leverage the expertise and experience available within the organisation, especially from those already well versed with the client’s business. Consequently, the recommendations provided may be less effective and not aligned with the company’s overall security strategy.


Misaligned Recommendations: When penetration testers provide recommendations without adequate consultation with other experts with skillsets outside the penetration tester’s domain, their suggestions might not be feasible or optimal. For example, a penetration tester might recommend changes in development practices without fully understanding the practical implications or constraints faced by the development team, leading to suboptimal security measures.


Limited Engagement with Clients: Traditional penetration testing services often do not involve clients in the process beyond the initial scoping and final reporting stages. This limited engagement means that the testers may miss critical business context and nuances that could affect the interpretation of findings and the development of remediation strategies. Organisations often feel that the reports are generic and not tailored to their specific needs.

By addressing these challenges through our integrated, context-aware approach, we ensure that our penetration testing services provide meaningful, long-term security improvements for our clients.

How we can help…

Our integrated penetration testing services are designed to address the common challenges and pain points faced by clients with traditional penetration tests. By leveraging our comprehensive approach, we deliver more effective and valuable security solutions that go beyond merely identifying technical vulnerabilities.


We combine our penetration testing services with our governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), DevSecOps and technical expertise to identify and address the root causes of vulnerabilities. This holistic approach ensures that security issues are not just patched temporarily but are resolved at their source, reducing the likelihood of recurrence and enhancing long-term security.


Our penetration testers work closely with internal developers and technical consultants to ensure a thorough understanding of DevSecOps risks and other technical challenges. This collaboration ensures that our findings and recommendations are not only technically sound but also practically feasible and aligned with your development practices and business processes.


We believe in engaging with our clients throughout the testing process, not just at the beginning and end. By discussing findings and understanding the business context before developing the final report, we ensure that our risk ratings accurately reflect the true impact on your business. This allows us to provide remediation recommendations that are tailored to your specific needs and business objectives.


Our reports go beyond technical findings to include overarching business risks. This comprehensive view allows you to address systemic issues within your organisation, leading to more effective and sustainable security improvements. By understanding the broader risk landscape, you can make more informed decisions and prioritise remediation efforts more effectively.


For our clients already using the Morrisec Risk Platform (MRP), we provide our reports in a format that integrates directly into the platform. This ensures that findings are ready for immediate remediation, tracking, and full visibility. Related risks are also included in the risk register, providing a comprehensive view of your security posture and facilitating efficient risk management.

By addressing these challenges through our integrated, context-aware approach, we ensure that our penetration testing services provide meaningful, long-term security improvements for our clients.

Dr Bot penetration testing wearing a hoodie and his screen says access granted

Collaborate Effectively and Contextualise Risks

a checklist used in a penetration test showing reduced findings over time

Reduced Finding Recurrence

By focusing on root causes, our approach minimises the chances of recurring vulnerabilities in future tests, ensuring sustained security improvements.

Two people sitting at a table showing collaboration over penetration test findings

Enhanced Collaboration

Our integrated process promotes collaboration between security, development, and compliance teams, resulting in more comprehensive and effective security strategies.

A magnifying glass looking into a business showing contextual risk management as part of penetration testing

Contextual Risk management

Our thorough engagement with clients ensures that risk ratings accurately reflect the true impact on your business, leading to more informed decision-making and prioritisation.

Experience the Morrisec Difference

Ready to enhance your security posture with our integrated penetration testing services? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you achieve comprehensive, long-term security improvements.